Can You Really Reduce Cellulite With a Homemade Coffee Scrub?

Coffee scrubs may lessen the appearance of cellulite, but the effect is short-lived at best. The scrubbing motion helps stimulate circulation, and the caffeine temporarily tightens the skin, making it look a little smoother.

Coffee grounds make a great exfoliant. This revealing fresh new skin. The grounds do not dissolve in water, which makes them good at scrubbing away dead skin cells. ... Caffeic acid, an antioxidant, may boost collagen levels and reduce the premature aging of cells.

Coffee also helps to tighten skin and also reduce the appearance of dimply cellulite because of the stimulation of the scrubbing action.

For the DIY body scrub mix new or used coffee grounds. (I like to take used ones so you can have a cup of coffee too ;) with a spoon full of coconut oil or any other oil you’d prefer such as olive oil, jojoba, or almond oil. Mix the ingredients at a 1:1 ratio until it’s the consistency of a paste.
You can follow this routine on daily basis, depending on your skin type. You can also use this scrub on your face. Just be gentle with your circular motions rather than a harsh scrubbing motion. 

Scoop the scrub to an airtight jar and keep it in a cool, dry place. If the oil and coffee start to separate, simply stir the scrub with your finger or a spoon. The scrub should last up to two months, but if it starts to smell or look strange before then, discard it and make a new one.
