Sarah Scotford

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Come As You Are

When I had the opportunity to go to Seattle for work, a place I’ve longed for since my years of teenage angst. I jumped on the opportunity to visit my grunge icons home town of Aberdeen Washington, roughly an hour and a half from Seattle. Problem being was that the weekend I was there, just happened to be prom and a giant PGA tournament. Leaving me with zero rental cars, and I mean zero! So, naturally an uber driver came to my rescue, the only problem with that was that I didn’t have long to spend in Aberdeen. I plotted my places of interest by importance and distance and landed ‘underneath the bridge on the banks of the Wishkah river. The Young Street bridge as its properly named but most famously known for being the place in which Kurt Cobain had been rumoured to live under. The location is also hinted toward in the lyrics or the song “something in the way”

The walls of the bridge are completly covered in graffiti relating to Kurt and Nirvana and I, myself couldn’t resist the urge to tag it myself.

In April 2011, the city of Aberdeen put up a 13 ft tall guitar statue in honour of my grunge idol. If you are ever in seattle, and/or a fan of Nirvana, you have to get out to this park. It will encapsulate you with all the magic, angst, and the ‘closest to grunge’ sensation you’ll get.